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In Summer 2019 M.O.V.E. will bring together 30 Chinese students and 30 American students to participate in the first of many M.O.V.E. Cultural Exchange Arts & Education Summer Camps under our new
M.O.V.E. For Cultural Exchange Education effort

"M.O.V.E.'s first Cultural Exchange Arts & Education Summer Camp is a 10 day educational intensive experience that utilizes artistic production to help American and Chinese students become future collaborative leaders. LEARN MORE HERE In the meantime, meet the initiative's Department Head and leading M.O.V.E. Member Zhijing Xie to learn more about her passion for arts education and its ability to bring students together around the world.

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Department Head

M.O.V.E. Member

Zhijing Xie(Ang谢芷静 



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I don’t want art to become a privilege for the rich and the powerful. My grandpa was forbidden to play his musical instrument during the Cultural Revolution but he kept reciting tunes to keep himself happy. He said arts helped him to maintain his humanity. I agree. In my observation, people who have access to art are prone to root for democracy instead of monarchy. At least, in this era, extraordinary theatre experiences can create a safe space for all students to unpack talents, unleash imagination, develop social emotional abilities and experience the power of inclusion.


I'm also interested in bringing all kinds of drama class back to China, helping people strengthen critical thinking ability and paying teachers well. If we want to continue doing great things consistently with our values, then we can't rely on government support. 

​Without a donation system in China, it's really hard for excellent teachers, especially art teachers, to keep up the good work for students who are less fortunate. I want to provide those genuine educators with the best resources possible so that they can enjoy their work for a long time."

Zhijing Xie


Christina Franklin
Dina Lewis
Marco Vacarro 
Marc Nunez 

Our Chinese Based MOVErs

Sally-Yawen Li
Miffy-Siyi Cheng
Crystal-Leyuan Zheng
Jingming Ma
Charlie-Sihao Chen (1)
Annie Leng (1)
Catherine-Yanru Zhou (1)
Muhan Zheng
Gloria-Lejia Zhang

M.O.V.E. For Autism Multi-State Tour 

M.O.V.E. For Harm Reduction West Coast Tour

People of all ages, talents and occupations are recruited for the M.O.V.E. tours in an effort to encourage critical thinking and bring creative services and volunteers to communities and organizations nation wide.  


A M.O.V.E. Tour typically consist of 5-20 artists and other community members that travel together dedicating their time and talent to non-profit organizations, after school programs, schools, community centers, hospitals, film festivals, nursing homes, families and more. Housing, food and travel is provided by Javanna Productions M.O.V.E. 


End of Year M.O.V.E Louisiana Tour
Understanding History & Preparing New Curriculum
Gagan Kaur
Jenika McCrayer
Nicole Johnson
Josephine Crisostomo
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