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 Non Profit Organization 


Providing people of all ages with the resources and platforms to address social issues creatively.


Contact Us to learn more about bringing

M.O.V.E. programming to your public school

DOE Vendor # JAV182622

Members of Javanna Productions M.O.V.E. can participate in after school learning, summer learning, traveling tours and pop up events with the organization year round following an individualized curriculum designed specifically for each member. According to their strengths and artistic discipline, young members are grouped with older members (industry professionals) in organizational community service efforts and productions. Javanna Productions' intergenerational mission creates informal classroom experiences that bring families in the community together for the advocacy and support of social causes. In the past, Javanna Productions has created M.O.V.E. efforts to advocate for causes such as Autism, Celiac Disease, Cancer research, education in rural parts of the world, HIV/AIDS awareness, suicide prevention and anti-substance abuse. 


Featuring MOVEr Carsyn Langhorn

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  • YouTube

2020-2021 Student Clubs and Unions

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The U.S. K-12 education curriculum often lacks the social and emotional learning that helps students navigate the complexity of their circumstances beyond the classroom. Students eagerly await explanation for the social issues they experience in their homes, in their neighborhoods and on their televisions. An act of police brutality, a mother battling cancer, a school shooting, or a creeping substance abuse addiction takes root in a student's heart and becomes priority. As a result, students are often seeking an outlet for learning that helps them gain control of their emotions, articulate their frustrations and take action. Our

MOVErs provide schools and youth organizations with the resources and platforms necessary to navigate the social issues they are passionate about through creativity and artistic production. 






In quarantine our MOVErs are offering online programming to students and preparing to return to our communities with new vigor. Stay Safe! Stay Healthy! Stay Home!


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  • M.O.V.E. IEP  Workshops - 1-3 hour workshop experience exploring two community organizing topics, one social issue and a variety of civic engagement practices. Community organizing topics and featured social issues are selected via a student survey distributed and collected two weeks before programming begins. Community organizing topics include: Civic Responsibility, Community Service, Empathy & Sympathy, Self Determination, Coalition Building, Creativity & Innovation, Volunteerism, Campaigning, Activism and Advocacy. Social Issues and causes explored in the IEP workshops include, but are not limited to: Autism, Domestic Violence, Discrimination, Climate Change, Animal Welfare, Intolerance, Racism, Bigotry. Via the survey, students can also indicate interest in a specific social issue or cause that is not listed.

  • Summer Service Activities - Quantity driven work that empowers and trains people of all ages to engage in volunteerism for a select group of social service agencies, soup kitchens and social good campaigns. Students volunteer alongside a community organizer or leader that exemplifies service and volunteerism. Students will participate in a structured conversation before and after the volunteer effort to solidify themes and promote interest in the organization outside of the classroom. Students will be introduced to a variety of social service organizations and volunteer initiatives in their city (NY - The Covenant House, Queens Community House, Youth Organizing To Save Our Streets, University Settlement, etc.)

  • Winter Traveling Intensive - Trains a select group of young people to engage in facilitated dialogue for mutual understanding. Students from different M.O.V.E. chapter states will gather (NY, FL, TX, UT) to learn more about the challenges that other communities face. In a traveling learning intensive experience, students will cultivate the skills necessary to help communities navigate polarizing issues. Students will facilitate workshops and assemblies for mutual understanding revealing the differences and commonalities amongst the people they work with.

  • Summer Traveling Intensive - Trains a select group of young people to practice civic engagement and mutual understanding by introducing them to civically engaged youth in other chapter states (NY, FL, TX, UT) via workshops and campaigning.

  • Summer Performance Project & Gallery - Qualitative/public experience that works with a large group of MOVERs (all ages) to produce live performance and still artistry in a gallery for public viewing.

  • Professional Development For Teachers  - Seven hour workshop experience that provides teachers with unconscious bias training for increased effectiveness in diverse classrooms.

  • Professional Development For Youth - The youth employment arm provides work opportunities for its interns by placing them with a social good campaign, small business or nonprofit organization. Through field work and training students become proficient in social media management, videography, photography, marketing, event planning and brand development.

  • Six month  M.O.V.E. We Heal Public School Program - M.O.V.E. We Heal brings together five community organizers to serve as a student body's singular guidance counselor in a six-month long administration of programming from seven educational pillars. Teachers can utilize the M.O.V.E. We Heal Community Organizers in their classrooms or after school settings to provide learning from one of the seven M.O.V.E. We Heal pillars. Download program info below for additional details and contact information.

Considering the partnering organization’s mission and yearly schedule, Javanna Productions M.O.V.E. will suggest a combination of the following  programs.

Teacher/Organizer Bios

Program Overview

Download Program Info

Work With Us

Raise My Social

Capital Strategy




Serena Dykman

Serena Dykman is a New York-based filmmaker, and a graduate from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. Her work, ranging from comedy to drama and documentary, has won her over 40 awards in the past three years. Her films THE DOORMAN, BED BUGS & COMPANY, and WELCOME have been selected in over 80 film festivals around the world, including at the Cannes Film Festival, and Oscar-qualifying film festivals. WELCOME, a short about U.S. immigration has gotten over half a million views online.  Serena is a "third-culture kid" born in Paris, and raised between London, Brussels, and New York. Her passion for travel has informed much of her work.Serena’s first feature film, NANA, is a transgenerational documentary about her grandmother, Maryla Michalowski- Dyamant, an Auschwitz survivor and activist for tolerance. MOVERS get your tickets to see the film today!



Ready To MOVE?


Call us 954 663 4055

or fill out the contact form & we’ll get you MOVING.

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